Texas Rangers Slip n Slide

It was raining like crazy here in New York last night, with massive lightning and thunder. Somehow it took the Mets a couple of hours to call things off, just enough time for some players to come up with a playful idea.

It’s nice to see the Texas Rangers having fun, but when your fantasy team (or if they were your Texas Rangers) you’d have to be a little alarmed to see the fragile Milton Bradley and thus far injury prone Josh Hamilton running in the rain on a slick tarp. No doubt Ian Kinsler owners had similar concerns.

On the other hand, isn’t it great to see the usually dour Bradley having fun?

Weather or Not You’re Interested

Today’s Ask Rotoman at mlb.com (with a weather related question) isn’t posted yet, but my editor sent along this press release from the Red Sox about tonight’s game:

 For Immediate Release

May 16, 2007




The current weather forecast (provided by the Red Sox private weather service, Meteorlogix)  in the vicinity of Fenway Park calls for the possibility of rain showers and thunderstorms in the late afternoon and evening hours that could possibly impact the play of tonight’s Red Sox-Tigers game.


The Fenway Park gates will open at the regularly scheduled time of 5:05 p.m., and the Red Sox will do everything possible to make certain that tonight’s game will be played. However, the Red Sox want to alert our fans to the current forecast for this evening.


This forecast is of course subject to change as the day progresses.



We’ll be tracking weather service stories as the season progresses. Somebody has to do it.