New Version of Patton $ on Disk

Support Ask Rotoman Page

A weekend of bug squishing led to the release of an updated and improved Patton $ on Disk.

The program includes updated projections, bid prices from me and Alex Patton for 4×4 and Mike Fenger for 5×5. It is a great program for sorting lists and pricing players in the traditional 4×4 and 5×5 formats. The ease of updating projections and prices, the auction manager with bid values and all that make it useful for smaller mixed formats, too, but the pricing is not adjustable.

There is also an Excel worksheet with all the data available, and text and Word files will be out tonight.

The price: $25.

The Wrong Address

I often wish I lived in a world where details didn’t matter much. But they do.

In January moved from a very nice but underpowered host to a nice and powerful host (Dreamhost), and some email addresses and their forwards went missing.

Right now you can reach (to ask questions) and (to ask questions and to comment on the Guide).

If you sent a message in calendar year 2006 and didn’t receive a reply, chances are this screw up is why. Please send again.


Major League Baseball : Ask Rotoman Begins

Major League Baseball Fantasy Home

This link doesn’t lead to anything now except the fantasy page at Well, is still commenting on offseason moves, helpfully, and you’ll find those at this address. But starting on Wednesday you’ll find Ask Rotoman again for the Sixth Year In A Row! As much as I like spouting off on baseball issues and giving my opinion about fantasy moves, the best stuff in the column comes from you readers. Funny questions, provocative questions, challenging questions, these don’t always make my job easier but they make the column better. So if you have a good or funny or outrageous or clever or provocative question, please send it along by writing either to or visit the discussion board at and post there. Thanks.

The New Ask Rotoman Site

The fact that you’re here means it’s happening. The fact that you can’t reach all the parts means it’s not totally happening. Yet.

By the time the Guide is available (January 24th, though usually it shows up in some places earlier), this place should be humming.