Yahoo! Sports – Mulder Wins!

Mark Mulder fans and owners have to be pleased with the two hitter, but this bravura performance came against the punchless Pirates, and in his eight innings he walked more than he struck out (especially significant because he walked only three).

Strikeouts haven’t really been a big part of Mulder’s success in the past, so one can hope that this is the start of his recovery from whatever has been bothering him since last July, but he still has some tests to pass.


The New York Times > National > Beyond Balco: How One Pill Escaped the List of Controlled Steroids

This is from the NY Times, so it will disappear into their pay archive in a day or two, but it tells the tale of a supplement (DHEA) that was once banned by the FDA but is now sold over the counter as a food supplement, and which isn’t on the list of banned PEDs. It was, in fact, granted an exemption from that January 2005 law that made testosterone precursors, like Andro, illegal.

Why? Political sway, it seems, though Utah Senator, who favored the examption for DHEA, says it has nothing to do with the fact that his son is a lobbyist for a trade group of supplement manufacturers and distriibutors. Nah.


The New Ask Rotoman Discussion Board :: Index

Here is the new discussion board. There are forums for baseball talk and non baseball talk. These won’t be moderated in a strict sense, but while spirited discussion is encouraged, personal attacks will not be tolerated.

I wish it were possible to get phpBB to emulate the Boards2Go look, but this skin is as close as I could come. The advantage is that old posts will be archived, so the dumb things we say won’t necessarily go away in 300 messages.

Post accordingly.

I’m going to keep the Boards2Go conversation going, too. It won’t be censored in any way, and the link at the top of this page will continue to go there until next week.



Yahoo! Sports – MLB – Red Sox 8, Yankees 5:

““We have to give Sheffield a lot of credit,” Damon said, “for him to restrain himself the way he did.””

I’ve complained plenty about the way baseball-fan altercations are reported, but this AP story carried on Yahoo finds a proper balance. Hmm, maybe that’s because I don’t think fans should ever punch players, and players should not ever punch fans.

In this case, Gary Sheffield wins. Big time. And Johnny Damon recognizing that is a sign of how big this problem is.


Only Baseball Matters | MLB and San Fran Giants Observations from John Perricone and friends

This one is about Edgardo Alfonzo, who is off to a fast start after losing a noticeable amount of weight this past offseason. And after carrying a noticeable amount of extra weight the two disappointing seasons before. This is the sort of thing to add to the mix of info, a reason to favor Alfonzo over someone of roughly equal talent.

Most of the time a fast start is just a fast start.