Fantasy Baseball: Fantasy Baseball ’03 Player Rankings is touting the new auction prices in their new fantasy guide. I haven’t done the math to see how they add up, but it sure looks like the numbers are too low..
Todd Helton for $29? It’s never going to happen. Jeff Bagwell for $18? No, I don’t think so.
Over the years I’ve worked to come up with the most meaningful preauction prices and I have to admit that there is no perfect system. The auction is a dynamic event and the prices of players change as it goes along, and they are different for each team depending on strategies, smart moves and dumb plays.
If the ESPN numbers add up to the money that will actually be spent in an auction ($3120 in 12 team AL only leagues, $3380 in 13 team NL only leagues), then someone who uses them is going to end up with 23 $13 players. That might not be a bad strategy, but if elite players have prices that will not buy one elite player in any sane auction, the prices aren’t right.
The problem here is that the prices don’t change between the MLB universe list and the NL universe list.
ESPN makes pretty pages and these lists aren’t unhelpful in some ways, but don’t pay much attention to the prices. They’re wrong.