The LABR draft was held last weekend, but the prices are embargoed until the paper comes out. I’m not sure why, but clearly there is an attempt to build up some pent up demand. Which may be how I have come to have a copy of the results and permission to release some tid bits.
Some prices of interest:
Villafuerte $5, Witasick $8. Both to the same team. A non-expert team. I think it’s pretty silly to buy both these guys because you’re paying real money and may not be getting the Padres’ closer. And you’re using two slots. If one of them wins the job and holds it most of the year, or they effectively split it, this could work out, but the impact if neither gets the job is a bigger negative than the best case is a positive.
V Martinez $7, Bard $3. This reflects my assessment of their probable year-end offensive contributions, but the V Martinez play is a risky one. Two more bucks got Ramon Hernandez, who has a job.
Dunn $27, Kearns $21, Griffey $23. Give me Kearns over Dunn, while Griffey is a risk at any price, or a bargain.
Wolf and Vazquez $18. Let me at them.
Prior and Wood $23. Even more so.
On the whole these two auctions illustrate the deadlock that has become roto. I started looking through the Guide comparing prices and the utter sameness most of the time was numbing. (I priced Lyle Overbay at $8 in November, a man with no major league track record, and he went for $9 in March!) And then, when I found interesting differences (in the Guide I have Vazquez down for $14 because of injury concerns, and Wood down for $17, being ridiculously and unrealistically cautious, Prior for $!8 and Wolf for $24) I couldn’t really see anything all that interesting about them. Once everybody’s in the ballpark the auction turns into something of a draft, anyway.
If all goes well, I’ll get Randy Wolf, at least.