The Guide hit stores last week, and we are listing the corrections we find and hear about here. Return for regular updates, unless we got everything else right.
“Dear Mr. Rotoman:
I was reading the EVERYBODY HURTS injury report and I love the lyrics theme that you got going on. As a DJ I understand the long hours that goes into the craft so I can appreciate the incorporation of lyrical references in a fantasy football write up. On page 24, the section about A.J. Green you mentioned “Buy, Buy, Buy” and referenced the Backstreet Boys. This was actually N’sync. I am not sure that is the actual joke because they are both forgettable or it was an error.
Signed, One Man Party”
I asked the writer, John LaPresto, what happened: “Amazing. Out of all the things I talked about or made fun of, this is the thing you get an email about haha. Well, I’m not too proud to admit that yes, I did in fact get my boy bands confused. I thought I knew who it was for sure but, I apologize for not fact double checking. Who would have thought boy bands from 15 years ago would still be annoying us somehow. . .”