I’ve not been posting here much. I have some plans that are having to wait until this year’s Fantasy Football Guide hits the street (or at least goes to the printers sometime in June).
Who would you like to see on the cover? If you can get past the registration process, please vote in the comments. I’m aiming for Brigitte Bardot. Whaddaya think?
I’ve been commenting too much at thtfantasy.com and crfantasybaseball.com in recent weeks, because I think there are really good reasons to challenge the conventional wisdom, but I have to admit that I’ve been frustrated. But the discussion has been intense, weird, and should be of interest to anyone who plays the game. I regret that Robert and Bill aren’t more assertive. When challenged they withdraw rather than discuss, but I think that aligns with their actual position, as smart guys who have figured out where the rest of us were 15Â years ago. The issue for all of us since then is how we move the ball forward. I hope they end up contributing to that talk, but in the meantime you have a lot of really good fantasy heads hashing things out at the cardrunners site.
And I haven’t even gotten into the position scarcity issue in deep leagues. There will be less here at the askrotoman blog, maybe none (as there is every year) until the mag is closed, but I appreciate your visits, and next up is, finally, as far as I’m concerned, Rotoman’s Guide, which will explain it all. Get ready for that. I need your thinking caps.