Problems with their Staff? The O’s have a problem with Sammy’s Staph (infection). According to The Sun, Sosa will be out probably 2-4 weeks with a serious, drug resistant staph infection on his foot, maybe longer depending on how this infection responds to the new antibiotics.
Baseball Prospectus has been a favorite for statistical gearheads for years. Some, including myself, have elected not to pony up for their premium service when this was instituted (not a knock on them, I just have limited time and shekels for such things), but there are still things to be had for free on their site. The complete works of the late Doug Pappas are there and for free (the pre-cursor to Maury Brown’s Business of Baseball site which Rotoman referenced earlier this week – SABR also has Doug’s work here.) and the occasional “Prospectus Triple Play” – which are usually entertaining, insightful and smart looks at 3 different teams/organizations. Normally baseball game centric, there are the occasional bon mots like this one:
“The Marlins’ latest bid for a taxpayer-funded stadium died an ugly death at the hands of the Florida State Senate last week. It’s not a huge surprise or even a huge shame, except to the extent that ownership visits to Las Vegas, Portland, San Juan, Mexico City, and Kuala Lumpur might distract from a terrific season by South Florida’s ballclub. “
They also have all the stats you can shake a VORP*-al stick at.
*(Value Over Replacement Player).