Yahoo! News – W. Va. Women Symbolize War’s Glory, Shame

Yahoo! News – W. Va. Women Symbolize War’s Glory, Shame

I can’t help myself. This is the ripest sexist bs you can imagine. The notion that these two women symbolize anything is an indictment of the the press and it’s ability to parse anything but the most generalized, self-serving hoo-hah (or as my daughter now calls it, horse hockey).

Thanks, grandma.

What we know is that Jessica Lynch wasn’t the Rambo like hero she was made out at first to be. And reading the stories it’s hard not to be uncomfortable with the fact that the only American torturer with a face is this apparently dim paper-pusher.

Maybe she makes a better story, but doesn’t she also deflect a lot of attention from the horrors that went down? After all, she was surely no mastermind.

Horrors, I can’t emphasize enough because I can’t stop thinking about this nightmare, that were ignored by the administration for four months after they were initially reported. That’s the thoroughly awful thing about William Saletan’s list of quotes linked to earlier.

It is impossible to spin the sequence of events in any but the worst possible way.