Yahoo! News – Gore Pledges Over $6 Million to Democrats

Yahoo! News – Gore Pledges Over $6 Million to Democrats

Grammatically expressed, of course, Gore would have pledged more than $6 million to democrats.

In my lifetime no Democrat screwed the pooch more grandly than Al Gore did. Embracing him seems problemmatic on a number of levels. As my good friend Beck might say, You’re a loser, baby. Is anybody arguing?

But of course the Dems in the race shouldn’t not take the money of this year’s most prolific Howard Dean endorser. The bottom line is that Al Gore is a loser, but we have to beat the guy who won last time.

And Gore’s book on the environment is pretty cool. We’ll be way better off with someone who agees with Al Gore than we are with the oil-sucking creep who has the job now.

And that’s what really scares me.