John Coleman of Sandlot Shrink started it, but the only Doubt Wars league to post final stats was Ask Rotoman. And those few lucky souls who finished ahead of Rotoman got copies of The RotoWire Fantasy Baseball Guide shipped to their doow, postage paid, as their reward.
It was all so much fun we’re doing it again, following the Tout Wars auctions this weekend, and right now, in a new league called either LADR (League of Alternative Drafting Reality) or BeLABR. Take your pick.
The rules are simple:
Populate a roto roster using players from the AL or NL LABR drafts (prices posted in this week’s Baseball Weekly), but with the player prices $1 more than what the experts paid. You get the advantage of hindsight, but you have to pay a little bit for it.
Players who were not taken are a buck.
Send your entries to
Entries are limited to the first 12 NL and AL received. Members at have had a few days head start, so there aren’t many slots left. Get your entries in soon.
To give you something to shoot at, here’s my NL entry:
Hundley 8
Castro 1
Helton 40
Chipper 34
Tatis 10
Vina 14
D Jackson 6
Larkin 9
Griffey 30
Abreu 34
Agbayani 9
Payton 7
Mateo 5
Norton 4
Person 12
Millwood 10
Lawrence 8
Smith 7
Jarvis 3
Coggin 2
Ohka 2
Gagne 4
Fassero 2