Fantasy Baseball: Baseball Shrink (02/27/02)
The train is leaving the station. Everyone is dumping on closers, including me. Which means it may be time to think about closers again.
My advice has been, in many situations, to dump closers. Don’t go after them. Don’t pay more than $2 for closers in waiting. Try to get lucky, don’t try to make your own luck.
But if more owners than not in your league are on that train and the prices of closers drop, your advantage is to be found in picking them up. Yes, it is the ol’ zig and zag theory, and it is irrefutable in a gambling game where the biggest edge is to be found in acquiring bargain priced players.
Saves is a category. There are points to be gained there. When saves are expensive it’s a good idea to look elsewhere, but if saves get cheaper you’d better start collecting them, or someone else will.