Baseball America: 38 Suspended For Steroids

About equally distributed between pitchers and hitters. This list isn’t limited to performance enhancing drugs. Minor leaguers are tested for recreational drugs, too. But still, if the problem with steroids is the uneven playing field they create, what do we do with all the evidence that pitchers are using, too? (I think it is still true that the only players caught using steroids by the Olympics testing regimen were pitchers, though that could have changed.)

This announcement, as the story makes clear, covers only the players with spring training in Arizona. There will another covering players in Florida, presumably soon.

1 thought on “111272765401726813”

  1. I’d note there are only a couple of AAA and AA guys here. The remainder are A’s and lower.

    A lot of the guys have been in the system for a while, so I am not arguing that all of the tests might be the result of residual usage and/or (more likely given baseball) a poor educational program as to what is permitted and what is not, and what resources might be available to see whether things are kosher or not. But it’s got to be part of it.

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