My friend Bruce Buschel sent the following to our league’s Tightcircle.

Hasn’t the media fallen down on this steroid story?
Baseball writers do nothing but follow teams for six or
seven months a year. Didn’t anyone notice that Bret Boone
showed up with 25 pounds of muscle one spring training?
Roto players did. I bought him at any price. Now they are
saying LaRusso should have ratted out his players.
Nonsense. His job is to protect his players. It’s the
media’s job to expose them. After Caminiti fessed up, why
wasn’t there more investigating? Why not interview every
ex-player about drugs and drugs alone? (A Vex tome?) If
Kinsey got people to talk about sex, then why not drugs?
When the media has to wait for the government to have a
grand jury leak in order to break a story…we are all in
trouble. Be it the war or steroids, the press is asleep at
the wheel.

Don’t steroids make Pedro’s numbers even more astounding?
And if Santana’s numbers last season were comparable to
Koufax’s best, when you consider the hitters were juiced,
Santana’s season was even more amazing. The best pitching
season in the history of the game?

Looking forward to Sabremetrics next statistic: SABA
(steroid adjusted batting average).