Baseball Info Solutions – Books

My copy of this year’s Bill James book came yesterday. This book was always a great treasure because it conveniently had career stats for all major leaguers, minor league stats for recent major leaguers, lefty righty splits and managerial tendencies and park factors. Among other things.

Recently win shares have been added and Bill James’ projections for hitters are back. This year there are also Career Projections, which show Barry Bonds finishing his career with more than 900 homers. Yikes.

There is also an attempt by Sig Mejdal to quantify injury risk. Bill James has some interesting things to say about these numbers in his projection essay.

In short, there is lots here and it’s here now. Order it from the link in the left column here and you’ll be helping support this site. While you’re at Amazon, buy all the Lord of the Rings DVDs and expensive kitchen ware you can. Ask Rotoman is commissioned on those, too.