Baseball Prospectus

Here is something Will Carroll wrote today:

Randy Johnson hasn’t had any knee problems so far this season, but he will begin a planned series of Synvisc injections later this week. Synvisc is the synthetic lubricant that Johnson first began using last year. The injections come in a series of five, one week apart, but he is not expected to miss any starts during the process.

I hadn’t heard this before. And now that I have I further wonder about the whole prohibition about performance enhancing “drugs,” and out ability to differentiate between various regimens. And our motivation for doing so.

If our goal is to see the most best performances, shouldn’t we allow anything that would make for better sport? Certainly the Romans would have.

And if not, what is our goal? I enjoy watching beer besotted yuppies play softball sometimes. I enjoy being one of them, sometimes. But I have a hard time imagining how my “regularness” has anything to do with my entertainment. Well, I do enjoy Ken Loach films.

But that’s the point. For the most part these rules are legally and morally arbitrary. They pretend to be fair, but in reality they discern moral divisions even St. Augustine would find inscrutable.

By the way, as irritating as I find his self promotion, Will Carroll delivers the goods. And as best I can tell he’s the only reason to buy the BP subscription. Not that there isn’t other stuff of some value, but that the only thing that you can’t buy anyplace else are Will’s natty notes.